Archaeology of the Peloponnese30th Sep 2024

Archaeology of the Peloponnese



The Peloponnese is a place of timeless beauty. From the 3000-year-old relics at Mycenae to the classical ruins of Epidavros and the Byzantine churches of Monemvassia - the whole region is rich with history. In the hills above Argos, for example, it takes just the tiniest leap of imagination to look out over the sparkling waters and see the Mycenaen fleet sailing for Troy. The Greeks and the Spartans fought out the Peloponnesian war here, to be followed in turn by Romans, Goths and Slavs, Franks, Turks and Venetians. Nowadays the atmosphere is one of peace and tranquillity, but the connection with the past, with battles won and civilisations lost, is inescapable. 

Archaeological highlights of our tour include the Lion’s Gate at Mycenae, the most ancient piece of monumental sculpture in Europe; the 4th century BC Temple of Apollo Maleatis and the Theatre with its awe-inspiring acoustics at Epidavros; the church of Agia Sophia in the Fort City of Monemvassia; the amazingly well-preserved site at Messene and the eerie, dead city of Mystras, casting its silent gaze over the plain around Sparta.


8 Days



Full Price£1895

Today's Price£1610.75


(includes flights)

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  • Save £284.25 on this tour with our current offers.
  • £1610.75

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    What to Expect

    • Venetian and neoclassical architecture in Nafplion
    • The Lion Gate at Mycenae
    • The dead city of Mistras
    • A time capsule at Monemvasia
    • The impressively well-preserved and unspoilt site of Messene


    Departure Routes

    LocationPickup TimeDropoff Time
    London Heathrow Airport00:00
    Athens Airport00:00

    ** Please note that all timings are approximate and subject to change. Final timings and pick-up points will be confirmed with your joining instructions approximately 10 days prior to departure. **

    Day by Day Itinerary

    We fly from London to Athens, and transfer to our hotel in Nafplion, a charming little town and port, modern Greece’s first capital. Neoclassical buildings, historic squares, old churches, Venetian balconies and Turkish mosques reflect a colourful past.

    Meals includedDinner


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    Tour Enquiry

    The team is available Monday to Friday from 8am – 6pm (GMT)

    Call us: 01334 845 392